Change Managers, residual agents and governance facilitators

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Additional roles to support Boards after final decisions

Information on change managers, residual and governance facilitators can be found in this factsheet.

Task lists are outlined below for the additional roles that have been created to assist Boards of closed or merging schools.

Please note that the tasks outlined for each role reflect preliminary assessments of required tasks and are subject to change in consultation with Boards on what is most relevant for their school.

  1. Task list for roles if final decision is closure
  2. Task list for roles if final decision is merger

Task list for roles if final decision is closure

Change Manager for school closure

The Change Manager reports to the Manager of the Schools Development Project. The following tasks support the transition of the school from being fully operational as a school, to being ready for closure.

To work with the Ministry, the Board of Trustees (Commissioner), and the Residual Agent to implement the Minister’s decision to close the school.




 Upon Appointment
  • Meet with Manager of Schools Development Project to formalize role outcomes for allocated school(s)
  • Meet with Senior Advisor, Senior Financial Advisor, and Residual Agent to discuss roles and responsibilities, timelines, reporting requirements, etc.


 Before Closure  PlanningEnsure that all significant matters are planned by or with the Board such as:

  • ensuring support for parents and students
  • ensuring targeted support for priority groups
  • supporting staff during the pre-closure period
  • understand and document context of school in terms of additional programmes and student support and work with appropriate people to transition these services
  • drafting a timeline of activities needing to be completed and corresponding deadlines (e.g. mailing of redundancy notice letters, etc) as dictated by the Collective Agreements (CAs), Individual Employment Agreements (IEAs) and other relevant industrial relations regulations.
  • identifying the role of the Board in the closure process and the tasks it needs to complete
  • process for identification of surplus staffing options for staff
  • informing the wider school community of the decision (key messages developed) if this hasn’t already happened
  • secretarial support, if any, for the change manager
  • student enrolments in their new schools
  • work with client technology schools (if relevant) to ensure they are informed about technology provision post-closure.
  • closing ceremony
  • provision of NAG 2A data to the Ministry
  • finalising and signing the EDI Memorandum of Agreement.

Parents, children and whānau

  • Support the Board to communicate with families/students by explaining processes, time-lines etc.
  • Work with the Boards to ensure the families of all students are aware of the schools that they can enrol at and have taken steps to be enrolled at them.
  • Work with the Education Wellbeing Response team to implement agreed support plan and ensure that comprehensive support plans for each school community are implemented.
  • Liaise with NGO resources which are required to support families in the school community
  • Work with school / RTLB / special education to ensure transition plans are developed for students which are comprehensive and include all aspects of care for the child and their family.
  • Consider access to mental health services and other social services such as Right Services Right Time as necessary.



Ensure the Board of the closing school has accurate and current employment documentation for its staff including:

  • years of service
  • current salary
  • annual leave entitlement
  • other entitlements or potential liabilities.

Work with the Board, NZSTA, NZEI, PPTA, and/ or other relevant organisations to ensure all employment processes are properly followed and all deadlines met in order to minimise risk of employment-related disputes.

  • Obtain copies of each of the relevant Collective Agreements for the school’s teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Complete all relevant forms/ letters to staff (e.g. staff notices, etc.) pertaining to the employees of the school
  • Identify and ensure appropriate surplus staffing options compare to each Collective Employment Agreement
  • Ensure documentation is made available on behalf of the employer to support employees’ preferred surplus staffing options.
  • Ensure Resourcing Division of the Ministry is provided with evidence of the teachers and principal’s preferred staffing option(s).
  • Ensure Ministry of Education’s Education Service Payroll Unit is advised of any pending payroll costs prior to closure and within timelines set out in each Collective.
  • Liaise with the Financial Service Provider/ Residual Agent as required to:
    1. Ensure access to information relevant to the employees of the school.
    2. Share information regarding all payroll liabilities.
    3. Ensure there are sufficient cash balances to meet payroll obligations.

If appropriate, on behalf of the Board, support individual employees to:

  • identify and apply for a suitable alternative permanent position
  • identify appropriate surplus staffing options outlined in the relevant Collective Employment Agreement.

Enrolment of learners

  • Work with the Senior Adviser and Board to ensure all families with children/students in the school are aware of the schools they can enrol in, and have taken action to be enrolled in other schools.
  • Survey parents about their intentions for enrolment in this school year, and for the year in which the school closes.
  • Get current roll at date of announcement, and compile a list of siblings and addresses of students enrolled at that date.


Property/ Assets

  • Identify outstanding property issues (e.g. painting, repairs, health and safety concerns, etc.)
  • Work with Residual Agent to ensure that the school’s asset register is up to date (including any school monuments, time capsules, plaques, furniture and fixtures, etc)
    • take photos of capital assets of high value and included this in the updated asset register.
  • When the asset register is complete, provide a copy to the Residual Agent.
    • take photos of capital assets of high value and include this in the updated asset register.
  • Work with the Board to:
    • agree, in writing, on which assets will be transferred to which school (this could include inviting the Boards of neighbouring schools to view the school’s assets).
    • agree, in writing, the date that the transfer will occur.
    • For any assets that are not to be transferred to another school, work with Board to decide on disposal (e.g. sale, donation to local group etc).  This should be included in the EDI Memorandum of Agreement. Ensure funds generated from any sales are forwarded to the Residual Agent.
  • After the transfer date, ensure that the Boards receiving the goods have appropriate information about them to update their asset registers.
  • If the community is to take over responsibility for part of the site (e.g. the swimming pool) ensure that the appropriate documentation is developed and signed.
  • Work with Residual Agent to ensure
    • final water/utility readings are scheduled as at closure date.
    • sufficient funds are available for payment of future mowing /gardening/maintenance/security contracts until day of closure, as required.

Progress Reporting

  • Meet regularly with the Board to discuss progress, identify concerns and issues.
  • Meet as required with the Senior Advisor and Regional Financial Advisor to discuss progress, identify concerns and issues.
Day of Closure Keys
Work with the Residual Agent to ensure:

  • A set is held by a nominated person in the community.
  • A set is lodged with the local/regional Ministry office.
  • Contact details of all key-holders are left with the local/regional Ministry office

Work with the Residual Agent to ensure:

  • That all assets are safe and secure (particularly in the case of high value assets where the closure is not supported by the Board and/or community).
  • That the transfer of these assets to other schools is overseen by the residual agent or the change manager.
  • The school pool(s) is/are empty and the area is secure (gate is locked with a new padlock if required).
  • Walls are stripped of student work, posters etc and the school is reasonably clean and tidy.
  • Whiteboards and blackboards cleaned etc.

Work with the Residual Agent to ensure:

  • mail is redirected to the Residual Agent, if not already done.
 Post-Closure Property

  • If the property is to be used for educational purposes, work with the Ministry to determine the tasks to be undertaken before it is handed over (use list below).
  • If the property is not required for education and is being put into the disposal process, work with Ministry to ensure tasks for disposal are completed. These may include ensuring:
    • The mowing contract is in place for grass.
    • Gardens are maintained.
    • New locks are fitted to doors where appropriate.
    • The water supply is turned off unless it is vital for school house.
    • Power is turned off and switchboard rewired for security lighting and water pump.
    • Phone is disconnected.
    • Floors swept/mopped and carpets are vacuumed.
    • All furniture and chattels removed.
    • Bins emptied and secured and incinerator is emptied.


  • Work with the Ministry to ensure all students from the closed school are taken off ENROL for that school.  Work with the Ministry to check that they are enrolled at another school (which will enter them onto ENROL).

Other tasks

  • School records are sorted, labelled and relocated (as per the School Records Retention and Disposal Schedule).
  • AA sign is removed from roadsides (they may be needed for a period after the day of closure).
  • Work with the Residual Agent to ensure that if the site is not being used, that the school gates and site are secured.


Residual Agent for school closure

The following tasks support the transition of the school from being fully operational as a school, to being ready for closure.

To work with the Ministry, the Board of Trustees, and the Change Manager to implement the Minister’s decision to close the school.

If the Residual Agent has any financial queries they should be directed to the Ministry’s Regional Financial Advisor.



Upon Appointment 
  • Meet with Senior Advisor, Senior Financial Advisor, and Change Manager to discuss roles and responsibilities, timelines, reporting requirements, etc.
  • Meet with Board to identify concerns and issues, particularly addressing the importance of probity:
    • proper stewardship of school funds, no matter what the source
    • examples of types of inappropriate/excessive expenditures that will be monitored (e.g. gifts to staff, class trips that are not usually offered etc).
  • The Residual Agent has the right (and duty) to advise the Board where expenditure could be seen as inappropriate or a misuse of funds.  If the Residual Agent has a concern they should contact the Ministry’s Financial Adviser.
  • With the support of the Board, the Residual Agent and Board Chair can become the only signatories to the school account.  This will ensure that the school’s remaining funds are appropriately spent up to the date of closure.
Before Closure Planning

  • Obtain a copy of the EDI Memorandum of Agreement as soon as it is negotiated.
  • Begin redirecting mail to Residual Agent, if appropriate.
  • Change all bank account signatories with effect from date of appointment.


  • Ensure all financial records are current.
  • Review all financial commitments (e.g. painting contracts and leases).
  • Place an advertisement in local newspapers to inform school suppliers of:
    • the closure date and that any orders placed after date of closure will not be honoured by the Board
    • the contact details of Residual Agent and
    • a final date for receipt of outstanding invoices.
  • Request school administrators to contact the Ministry of Education’s Education Service Payroll Unit to receive access to payroll information relevant to the employees of the school.
  • Contact the school’s financial service provider to ensure access to all relevant financial information.
  • Respond to all mail received notifying writer of school closure, contact person and final date of receipt for outstanding invoices.
  • Liaise with appropriate Ministry departments to ensure all payroll activity for the school is ceased upon closure of the school.[1]


  • Work with Change Manager to ensure that the school’s asset register is up to date (including any school monuments, time capsules, plaques etc). This may include reconciling the asset register with the physical asset (stock take) and obtain sign off by the Board chair/principal of the register.
  • Work with Change Manager to ensure:
    • final utility readings are scheduled and reported and paid
    • funds are available for payment of future mowing/gardening/maintenance/security contracts until day of closure, as required.


  • Provide monthly financial status reports to the Regional Financial Advisor.
  • Complete a schedule of assets and liabilities at the time of appointment.
  • Complete a bank reconciliation and a cash forecast.

Financial Statements

  • Work with the Board to prepare an interim set of financial statements as at the expected date of closure including:
    • budget to closure date
    • redundancy costs for not teaching staff
    • cost of residual agent
    • end of school function costs.
  • If the financial position at closure date is estimated to be a negative cash position, inform the Ministry’s Regional Financial Advisor and Senior Advisor.
  • Inform the approved Auditor appointed by the Auditor-General of the name and contact details of the person/agency preparing the final accounts, and of the agreed timetable for completion of final accounts.
  • Consult with the Regional Financial Advisor if an extended financial year is required.
Day of Closure
  • Ensure all outstanding order books, cheque books and financial records are collected.
Post-Closure Payments/Deposits/Filings

  • Receive (and pay) accounts from all final creditors and debtors, including any debt to the Crown.
  • File all final returns or applicable revenues (e.g. PAYE, GST, and FBT) with Inland Revenue.
  • Complete and file a business cessation form.
  • Return all unused cheque books to the bank and close all bank accounts.


  • Prepare a set of financial statements ready for audit on a liquidation basis including a liquidation statement (see Appendix 1).
    • The final financial statement must be with the auditor no later than three months after the closure date.
  • Arrange for the final audit by the approved Auditor appointed by the Auditor-General and monitor to achieve timely completion.
  • Sign the statement of responsibility that goes with the final audited accounts.
  • Provide the Regional Financial Adviser with an electronic PDF set of the audited financial statements.

Surplus/Asset Distribution

  • If, after receiving all accounts, the estimated final financial position remains positive arrange a distribution of fixed assets as required by the Memorandum of Agreement.
  • If the position is negative arrange for the sale of such assets to ensure the position is positive and arrange distribution of the balance of fixed assets. If the position remains negative after the sale of all assets there will be no distribution of any cash balances held.
  • Return any surplus cash in the schools’ accounts to the Crown or distribute it as detailed in the EDI MOA. Discuss this with the Senior Adviser if there is any confusion.


  • Collate documentation to be passed to the Ministry to archive on completion of the audit.
    • current financial year’s invoices, receipts
    • bank statements / cheque butts
    • minutes from Board meetings and finance committees
    • any other supporting documents of financial management.


Task list for roles if final decision is merger

Change Manager for school merger

The Change Manager reports to the Manager of the Schools Development Project. There are several tasks that need to be attended to that will to result in the transition of the school from being fully functional as a school to being ready for merger:

To work with the boards of trustees and the Ministry to implement the Minister’s decision.



Upon Appointment
  • Meet with Manager of Schools Development Project to formalize role outcomes for allocated school(s)
  • Meet with Senior Advisor, Senior Financial Advisor, and Residual Agent to discuss roles and responsibilities, timelines, reporting requirements, etc.
  • Meet with the Boards of the merging school and the continuing school (the Appointed Board) to become familiar with how they work, their issues and concerns etc. They should already be familiar with the change manager’s role.
Before School Merger Planning

  • Ensure that all significant matters are planned (including timelines) by or with the Boards such as
    • ensuring support for parents and students
    • ensuring targeted support for priority groups
    • supporting staff during the pre-merger period
    • understand and document context of school in terms of additional programmes and student support and work with appropriate people to transition these services
    • drafting a timeline of activities needing to be completed and corresponding deadlines (e.g. processes for appointing staff to the merged school etc) as dictated by the Collective Agreements (CAs), Individual Employment Agreements (IEAs) and other relevant industrial relations regulations.
    • identifying the role of each Board in the merger process and the tasks each Board needs to complete
    • process for identification of surplus staffing options for staff that do not win positions at the merged school
    • informing the wider school community of the decision (key messages developed) if this hasn’t already happened
    • secretarial support, if any, for the change manager
    • student enrolments in the merged school or other schools
    • ‘merging’ ceremony for staff and students
    • work with client technology schools (if relevant) to ensure they are informed about technology provision post-merger
    • provision of NAG 2A data for the merging school to the Ministry
    • finalising and signing the EDI Memorandum of Agreement

Parents, children and whānau

  • Support the Board to communicate with families/students by explaining processes, time-lines etc.
  • Work with the Boards to ensure the families of all students are aware of the schools that they can enrol at and have taken steps to be enrolled at them (this may be the merged school or in other schools).
  • Work with the Education Wellbeing Response team to implement agreed support plan and ensure that comprehensive support plans for each school community are implemented.
  • Liaise with NGO resources which are required to support families in the school community
  • Work with school/RTLB/special education to ensure transition plans are developed for students which are comprehensive and include all aspects of care for the child and their family.
  • Consider access to mental health services and other social services such as Right Services Right Time as necessary.


  • Ensure the Boards of the merging school and the continuing school have accurate and current employment documentation for their staff including:
    • years of service
    • current salary
    • annual leave entitlement
    • other entitlements or potential liabilities.
  • Work with the Boards, NZSTA, NZEI, PPTA, and/or other relevant organisations to ensure all employment processes are properly followed and all deadlines are met in order to minimise risk of employment-related disputes.
    • Obtain copies of each of the relevant Collective Agreements for the school’s teaching and non-teaching staff at both the continuing and merging schools.
    • Ensure that the timelines for the process for advertising and appointing staff to the merged school are known by staff at the merging and continuing schools, so they can engage with it appropriately.
    • Complete all relevant forms/letters to staff (e.g. staff notices, etc.) pertaining to the employees of the school
    • Where necessary identify and ensure appropriate surplus staffing options agree to each Collective Employment Agreement
    • Ensure documentation is made available on behalf of the employer to support employees’ preferred surplus staffing options, where they do not win positions in the merged school.
    • Where there are surplus staffing positions ensure Resourcing Division of the Ministry is provided with evidence of the teachers and principal’s preferred staffing option(s).
    • Ensure Ministry of Education’s Education Service Payroll Unit is advised of any pending payroll costs prior to merger and within timelines set out in each Collective.
    • Liaise with the Financial Service Provider/Residual Agent as required to:
      1. Ensure access to information relevant to the employees of the school.
      2. Share information regarding all payroll liabilities.
      3. Ensure there are sufficient cash balances to meet payroll obligations.
  • If appropriate, on behalf of the Board, support individual employees to:
    • identify and apply for a suitable alternative permanent position
    • identify appropriate surplus staffing options outlined in the relevant Collective Employment Agreement.

Enrolment of learners

  • Work with the Senior Adviser and Boards to ensure the families of all students are aware of the schools that they can enrol at and have taken steps to be enrolled at them (this may be the merged school or in other schools).
  • Survey parents about their intentions for enrolment in this school year, and for the year in which the school merges.
  • Get current roll at date of announcement, and compile a list of siblings and addresses of students enrolled at that date.


  • Identify outstanding property issues (e.g. painting, repairs, health and safety concerns, etc.)
  • Work with Residual Agent(s) of the merging school and the Boards of both schools to ensure that each school’s asset register is up to date (including any school monuments, time capsules, plaques, furniture and fixtures, etc)
    • take photos of capital assets of high value and include this in the updated asset register.
  • When the asset register of the merging school and the continuing school are complete, provide a copy of each to the Residual Agent(s) and the board of the continuing school (appointed board).
  • Work with both Boards to:
    • agree, in writing, on which assets will be transferred to the continuing school (this could include physically viewing all of the merging school’s assets with the Board of the continuing school).
    • agree, in writing, the date that the transfer will occur
  • For any assets that are not to be transferred t the continuing school, work with Board of merging school to decide on disposal (e.g. sale, donation to local group etc)
  • After the transfer date, update the asset register of the continuing school.
  • Provide a copy of the asset registers and the agreed asset transfers to the Board of the continuing school (appointed board) and the Residual Agent.
  • Where a site is no longer being used after the merger date, work with Residual Agent to ensure
    • final waster/utility readings are scheduled as at the merger date.
    • sufficient funds are available for payment of future mowing/gardening/maintenance/security contracts until day of merger, as required.

Progress Reporting

  • Meet regularly with the Boards to discuss progress, identify concerns and issues.

Meet as required with the Senior Advisor and Regional Financial Advisor to discuss progress, identify concerns and issues.

Day of School Merger Keys
In coordination with the Residual Agent, ensure:

  • Where the merging school site is being used by the merged school, a set of keys from the merging school is provided to the nominated person from the Board of the continuing school.
  • Where the merging schools site is no longer being used, the set of keys is provided to the Ministry.
  • Contact details of all key-holders are left with the local/regional Ministry office.

In coordination with the Residual Agent, ensure:

  • That all assets are safe and secure.
  • Assets are moved from the merging school to the continuing school as necessary.
  • If the site of the merging school is no longer being used, check that the school pool(s) is/are empty and the area is secure (gate is locked with a new padlock if required), walls are stripped of student work, posters etc and the school is reasonably clean and tidy. Whiteboards and blackboards cleaned etc.

In coordination with the Residual Agent, ensure:

  • mail is redirected to the Residual Agent or the Board of the continuing school, as appropriate.
Action after Merger Property
In coordination with the Residual Agent, ensure all of the activities listed below are completed. Depending on the circumstances, the tasks could be split. This list should be reviewed at the introductory meeting with the Senior Financial Advisor and the Senior Advisor.

  • Ensure all items in the EDI Memorandum of Agreement are addressed (distribution of assets, relocation of playground equipment, etc)
  • If the merging school’s property is to be used for the merged school, work with the Ministry and the Board of the continuing school to determine any tasks to be undertaken so this can happen effectively.
  • If the property is not being used by the continuing school and is being put into the disposal process, work with Ministry to ensure tasks for disposal are completed. These may include ensuring:
    • The mowing contract is in place for grass.
    • Gardens are maintained.
    • New locks are fitted to doors where appropriate.
    • The water supply is turned off unless it is vital for school house.
    • Power is turned off and switchboard rewired for security lighting and water pump.
    • Phone is disconnected.
    • Floors swept/mopped and carpets are vacuumed.
    • All furniture and chattels removed.
    • Bins emptied and secured and incinerator is emptied.

Other tasks

  • Any items not required by the merged school are distributed to other local schools, and schools in the wider community or Ministry (as per EDI Memorandum of Agreement). Those not required by any schools are disposed of.
    • Ensure funds generated from any sales are forwarded to the Residual Agent.
  • Work with the Ministry to ensure all students are taken off ENROL and check they are enrolled in another school (which will enter them onto ENROL).
  • School records are sorted, labelled and relocated (as per the School Records Retention and Disposal Schedule).
  • AA sign is removed from roadsides as appropriate (they may be needed for a period after the day of merger).
  • If a site is not being used, the school gates there are secured.


Residual Agent for school merger

The Residual Agent is appointed by the board(s) to help with their financial management prior to merger and prepare all financial statements associated with merger.


  • In a merger one school is identified as the continuing school and the other school(s) are the merging school(s).
  • Where possible one residual agent for the continuing school and the merging school(s) is appropriate.
  • As part of the merger process the accounts of the merging school are wound up and the finances of the continuing school are closed off at the date of merger.

For the merging school(s) the residual agent prepares a set of audited accounts and signs the ‘Statement of Responsibility’ that goes with those accounts.  For the continuing school the residual agent identifies the assets and liabilities and closes off the accounts as at the date of merger.

  • The liabilities and assets of the merging school become the liabilities and assets of the continuing school as at the date of merger.

To work with the Ministry, the Board(s) of the merging school(s), the Board of the continuing school, and the Change Manager to implement the Minister’s decision to merge the schools.

If the Residual Agent has any financial queries they should be directed to the Ministry’s Regional Financial Advisor.



Upon Appointment
  • Meet with Senior Advisor, Senior Financial Advisor, and Change Manager to discuss roles and responsibilities, timelines, reporting requirements, etc.
  • Meet with Boards of the merging school and the continuing school to identify concerns and issues, particularly addressing the importance of probity:
    • proper stewardship of school funds, no matter what the source
    • examples of types of inappropriate/excessive expenditures that will be monitored (e.g. gifts to staff, class trips that are not usually offered etc)
  • The Residual Agent has the right (and duty) to advise the Board where expenditure could be seen as inappropriate or a misuse of funds.  If the Residual Agent has a concern they should contact the Ministry’s Financial Adviser.
  • With the support of the Board of the merging school the Residual Agent and Board Chair can become the only signatories to the school account.  This will ensure that the school’s remaining funds are appropriately spent up to the date of merger.
Before Merger
  • Obtain a copy of the EDI Memorandum of Agreement as soon as it is negotiated.
  • Ensure that the financial records for the Board of the merging school and the Board of the continuing school are current.
  • Work with the Board of the merging school to prepare an interim set of financial statements as at the date of merger. This should include budget to date of merger redundancies, cost of residual agent and pre-merger function.
  • Work with the Board of the continuing school to prepare a set of financial statements as at the date of merger. This should include budget to date of merger redundancies, cost of residual agent and pre-merger function.
  • If the financial position of either school at the date of merger is estimated to be negative, inform the Board of the continuing school and the Ministry’s Regional Financial Adviser.
  • Work with the Change Manager to ensure that the schools’ asset register is up to date.  This may include reconciling the asset register with the physical asset (stock take) and obtain sign off by the Board chair / principal of the register.
  • Work with the Change Manager to establish a list of each school’s fixed assets which may have a community contribution and cannot be relocated to the merged school site (eg swimming pool, tennis court).  In order for the Ministry to reimburse the community for its contribution there needs to be evidence of how much was donated and the percentage of the total value of the asset at the time it was purchased.  Identify and retain this paperwork if possible.  If it cannot be found it is unlikely that the Ministry will be able to reimburse the community the same percentage for its value at the time of closure.   If document is presented this payment is able to be made to a community group that is an incorporated society.
  • Where the Residual Agent is becoming the co-signatory of the merging school’s accounts, remove all other signatories to that account.


  • Ensure all financial records are current.
  • Review all financial commitments (e.g. painting contracts and leases).
  • Place an advertisement in local newspapers to inform school suppliers of:
    • the merger date and that orders placed with the Board of the merging school after date of merger will not be honoured by the Board
    • the contact details of Residual Agent and
    • a final date for receipt of outstanding invoices.
  • Request school administrators to contact the Payroll to receive payroll information (including appropriate forms) relevant to the employees of the school.  The Boards will need to cover costs of redundancies of support staff.
  • Contact the school’s financial service provider to ensure access to all relevant financial information.
  • Respond to all mail received notifying writer of school merger and the contact person for the Board of the continuing school.
  • Liaise with appropriate Ministry departments and Payroll to ensure all payroll activity for the merging school is ceased upon merger of the school.[2]


  • Work with Change Manager to ensure that the merging school’s and continuing school’s asset registers are up to date (including any school monuments, time capsules, plaques etc)
  • Work with Change Manager to ensure:
    • final utility readings are scheduled and reported and paid
    • funds are available for payment of future mowing/gardening/maintenance/security contracts until day of closure, as required.
  • When the asset register is up to date, work with the Board and the Change Manager to
    • agree, in writing, on which assets will be transferred to the continuing school (this could include physically viewing all of the merging school’s assets with the Board of the continuing school).
    • agree, in writing, the date that the physical transfer will occur.
    • Ensure that the assets of higher value are securely locked under residual agent’s authorisation.
  • Work with the Board of the merging school and the Change Manager to determine where the school’s assets are to be transferred.  Most will move to the continuing school (note that this many not be a physical move if the merged school is to operate from split sties and the location of the merging school is one of them). For any assets that are not to be transferred to the continuing school, provide the Ministry Regional Financial Advisor with a list of these assets and the proposed disposal plan for them (donation, sale, etc) for APPROVAL.
  • After the transfer date, update the asset register of the continuing school and forward that to the Board of the continuing school.


  • Provide monthly financial status reports to the Regional Financial Advisor.

Financial Statements

  • Work with the Board to prepare an interim set of financial statements as at the expected date of closure including:
    • budget to closure date
    • redundancy costs for not teaching staff
    • cost of residual agent
    • end of school function costs.
  • Inform the approved Auditor appointed by the Auditor-General of the name and contact details of the person/agency preparing the final accounts for the merging school, and of the agreed timetable for completion of these final accounts.
    • Consult with the Regional Financial Advisor if an extended financial year is required.
Day of Merger
  • Identify all high value assets at the merging school are secured.  If they are to be relocated to another site, then ensure that this process is overseen by the residual agent or the change manager.
  • Ensure all outstanding order books, cheque books and financial records are collected.


  • Collate documentation to be passed to the Ministry to archive on completion of the audit.
    • current financial year’s invoices, receipts
    • bank statements / cheque butts
    • minutes from Board meetings and finance committees
    • any other supporting documents of financial management.
Post-Merger Payments/Deposits/Filings

  • Receive (and pay) accounts from all final creditors and debtors, including any debt to the Crown.
  • File all final returns or applicable revenues (e.g. PAYE, GST, and FBT) with Inland Revenue.
  • Complete and file a business cessation form.
  • Return all unused cheque books for the Board of the merging school to the bank and close all bank accounts.


  • Prepare a set of auditable financial statements for the Board of the merging school on a liquidation basis including a liquidation statement (see Appendix 1).
    • The final financial statement for the Board of the merging school must be with the auditor no later than three months after the merger date.
  • Arrange for the final audit by the approved Auditor appointed by the Auditor-General and monitor to achieve timely completion.
  • Sign the statement of responsibility that goes with the final audited accounts for the Board of the merging school.  The accounts for the Board of the continuing school should be detailed at the date of merger and forwarded to Board of the merged school.
  • Provide the Regional Financial Adviser with an electronic PDF set of the audited financial statements.

Surplus/Asset Distribution

  • If, after receiving all accounts, the final financial position of the Board of the merging school is positive, this funding is to be forwarded to the Board of the merged school.
  • If, after receiving all accounts, the final financial position of the Board of the merging school is negative, the debt is to be honoured by the Board of the merged school.
  • The amount in the Board of the continuing school’s accounts as at the date of merger (when its accounts were closed off) should be identified and where positive it is forwarded to the Board of the continuing school. Where this is negative the debts are to be honoured by the Board of the merged school.


  • Collate documentation to be passed to the Ministry to archive on completion of the audit.
    • current financial year’s invoices, receipts
    • bank statements/cheque butts
    • minutes from Board meetings and finance committees
    • any other supporting documents of financial management.


Governance Facilitator for school merger

The Board of the continuing school (appointed board) has two main roles:

  • To govern the continuing school through to the date of merger
  • To ensure that the merger process is well planned and implemented. As part of this the Governance Facilitator would ensure that the appointed board has the merged school in a good position to hand over to an elected board (within 3 months of the date of merger).

The Governance Facilitator informs, guides and supports the board of the continuing school (and its sub committees) in its roles.

While there are parts of this process that are the same as for establishing a new school, there are other parts that are different from that process.

Note: In some cases the governance facilitator and the change manager will be the same person undertaking both roles.

Output 1: Development of a Project Plan

Purpose Ensure an overview of the tasks for both roles of the Board are developed and that these include timelines and priorities.
Outcomes The members of the Board of the continuing school and the Ministry are aware of the tasks to be completed and the timelines within which they are needed to be achieved (for the effective governance of the continuing school through to the date of merger and for the merged school to be operational for term 1, 2014).
Governance Facilitator’s Target participants Board of the continuing school (appointed board).Board of the merging school, change manager, residual agent and Ministry to be informed.
Governance Facilitator’s Volume of work Prepare for, attend and follow-up for meetings with:

  • The Ministry (Christchurch Office)
  • The Board of the continuing school
  • The change manager
  • The residual agent

To determine the details of the plan.

Output 2: Assist the Board of the continuing school to become an effective governance body

Purpose Ensure the Board of the continuing school knows what is required to have effective systems and processes in place to govern the continuing school through to the date of merger and to develop an effective merged school. The development of the merged school is an opportunity to take the best practices from both schools involved in the merger (and other best practices) and ensure they are part of the merged school.This includes being clear about the role of the Board, the support they can access, the role of STA, teachers unions etc.
Outcomes There are effective processes and practices in place for the governance of the continuing school up to the date of merger, and the development of and governance of the merged school.This includes:Governance of the Continuing School

  • Ensure there are processes in place for the Board to undertake effective governance of the continuing school (it may be that its elected board continues in this role on behalf of the board of the continuing school/ appointed board).
  • Ensure there are effective reporting systems in place for the Board of the continuing school to undertake its governance role effectively.
  • Ensure that the Board is a good employer of all its staff during this period of transition.
  • Ensure that the community of the continuing school are kept informed of the changes during this time of transition.
  • Ensure that the Board engages with the change manager, residual agent and the Board of the merging school during this time of transition to make the change as smooth as possible for employees, students and the community.

Development and Governance of the merged school
Governance Processes

  • There is an efficient Board operation for the merged school, with suitable governance/ management interface, appropriate structures and delegations.
  • A set of key policies has been developed and there is a programme to responsiveness to national priorities, including the NZ Curriculum.
  • A process is in place for other policies to be developed as they are needed in the school’s first months of operation.
  • Strategic planning and reporting is initiated, and the process for self-review.
  • There is a school management structure.
  • There is a financial management system, including budgeting, accounting and auditing policies and procedures, and draft budget.
  • There are performance management systems for principal and staff;

Staff appointment processes and professional development etc

  • The staff appointments are made (to be worked through with support from organisations listed above).[3]  This process needs to be made a priority so that the staff are appointed in good time for the merger to be implemented effectively.
  • There is an induction process for new staff.
  • There is a shared understanding of the pedagogical approach amongst school leadership and staff.

Communication with community

  • There is continued communication with community, staff and students about the development / operation of the merged school.

Vision for the school

  • There is a vision developed for the merged school (note this is likely to include consultation with the local community / iwi and may result in a change of school name, motto, logo etc),

Operation of the school

  • There is a school curriculum, schemes of work.
  • There is a school timetable.
  • There is a student management system.
  • There is a programme of student achievement, assessment and reporting to parents.
  • There is training for the staff in Novopay and ENROL  (if required)
  • There are systems for ensuring the health and safety of staff and students.
  • There are communications between the school and other schools in the merged school’s learning community cluster.  The planning for the merged school reflects the learning community cluster education plan.

Property, enrolment scheme etc

  • The Board meets with the Ministry (Property) to discuss the plans for the location of the merged school (especially when it is on a split site). The Board keeps the community informed.
  • There is a management plan for the operation and maintenance of the school premises.
  • The Board discusses the school’s proposed enrolment scheme with the Ministry then implements an enrolment scheme and other enrolment procedures.
Governance Facilitator’s  Target participants The Board (and through the Board its staff, students and community in the continuing school before the merger and after the merger, the Board of the merging school, local schools in the learning community cluster), the Ministry.
Governance Facilitator’s Volume of work Board meetings, supporting the principal and other staff in their roles etc

Output 3: The Board of the continuing school is ready to move to an Elected Board

Purpose Ensure completion of the tasks identified in the project plan that will see the board effectively transition from an appointed board to an elected board.
  • The systems at the school are suitable for a state school
  • The members of the board are ready to move to an elected board
  • Staff and students (and school community) are aware of the move to an elected board.
  • The ERO Readiness Review process is planned or completed.
Governance Facilitator’s Target participants Board members, staff, school community and Ministry
Volumes Board meetings, meetings with Ministry, and perhaps with ERO.

[1] There may be situations where it is necessary for the school to be kept open on the payroll system (past the date of closure).  This is sometimes the case if it is closed within 3 months of the Minister’s decision to do so. This allows the principal’s pay to be continued during their notice period (which can be up to 3 months).  The Senior Adviser will advise if this is the situation and National Office staff will inform payroll services that in this case the school payroll services need to stay open.
[2] There may be situations where it is necessary for the school to be kept open on the payroll system (past the date of merger).  This allows the principal’s pay to be continued during their notice period (which can be up to 3 months).  The Senior Adviser will advise if this is the situation and National Office staff will inform payroll services that in this case the school payroll services need to stay open.
[3] Note in a merger the principal’s position is always advertised nationally. The process for other staff appointments is detailed in the appropriate Collective Agreement.

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